Ani Avedissian

ani symbol

Politically incorrect because we do not wish to erode our intellect

Energy Healer, Spiritual Teacher, Paranormal Activity Specialist

Ani Avedissian - Energy Healer, Spiritual Teacher, Paranormal Activity Specialist, Clairvoyant


Hello! I am not your typical spiritual counselor, energy worker or paranormal activity specialist. Although trained extensively in traditional shaman lore and all things one would consider normal for an intuitive skill set, my work experience has been anything but orthodox.

I was raised in London, England, in my father's hotel which happened to double up as a safe house for various British intelligence and security services. It was here, at an early age, that I learned how the world works and who actually runs it. It was a rude awakening to say the least.

Over the years I found myself employed by various organizations; some benevolent, some malevolent. I learned a great deal about the machinery of evil and how it has been used for centuries to subjugate mankind, to erode our collective intellect, separate us from our connection to Source and ultimately, turn us into mindless micro-chipped automatons.

I have made over 120 short videos on metaphysics, spirituality, and social awareness. My podcast, Metaphysical Martini, a sassy, not-politically-correct-in-your-face-wake-up-call for mankind, is gaining in popularity and has a devoted fan base of "Martini Heads."

My primary objective is to promote social awareness with regard to the Establishment's relentless campaign of perceptual engineering and to clarify and share information and spiritual knowledge appropriate for today's busy, noisy, and fractured world.

The glory of our true nature has been hidden from us. Whenever mankind gets a glimpse of its magnificence, the Establishment is at the ready with a boxful of distraction tactics. Today, we stand at the brink of a totalitarian takeover by the darkest of forces. The battle is not one of petty partisan politics but of good versus evil, freedom versus tyranny. If we don't take a stand now for all that is good, whole, and holy, we will wallow in a pool of regret and misery for a long time indeed. Our only choice is to Let the Spirit Inhabit the Human. Deception only exists where there is no clear perception.

My diverse clientele comes to me from all over the world. Despite my unusual background, I'm actually a jovial, compassionate soul with a lovely dry sense of humor. I have a genuine desire to help us understand the game of life and to play it well.

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Group chat every Tuesday at 6:00 PM PST

This is a private group.

To receive an invitation, email Ani at ani@aniavedissian.com and be prepared to answer a few questions.
All trolls will be cast back into the void from which they came!

Check out my media channels



Water Wisdom
The Patriot Rap
Cosmic Quickies
Zook Speaks
Deconstructed Christmas
Really Bad, but Occasionally Brilliant, Poetry from a Mad Shaman
Metaphysical Martini

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Cosmic Conversations


Saturday, September 28, 2024
Out of Body Experiences

Saturday, October 26, 2024
All About Poetry

Saturday, November 23, 2024
Gnosticism 101

Saturday, December 28, 2024
Ani's Yuletide Yahoo!

NEW! Ani's Substack
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Check out my interview
The People's Study, Children's Health Defense!

New Ongoing Study
Begins August 26, 2024
Ego Busters! Spirit Sense is Common Sense

Ani's Podcast

"Metaphysical Martini"
Every other Wednesday
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Pacific Time

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Cosmic Reality

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