Ani Avedissian

ani symbol

Energy Healer, Spiritual Teacher, Paranormal Activity Specialist

Paranormal. . . Or Is It?

Do you want to know about things that go bump in the night? This workshop will be of enormous benefit to those who have already taken or intend to take the Home and Property Clearing workshop and great fun for anyone just wanting some clarity on the subject. The following topics, and a few others, will be covered in as much depth as time allows:

  • What are ghosts?
  • What are spirits?
  • What is poltergeist activity?
  • What are phantoms/shadows?
  • What are residual energy imprints?
  • Understanding orbs
  • What is ectoplasm?
  • What are the different types of vortex activity?
  • What are energy anomalies?
  • How to sense ET activity and energies
  • What are portals?
  • Tips for protection
  • Basic guidelines for paranormal investigations prior to clearing
  • Quick review of some of my more colorful investigations

Workshop Details

TBA 2024
11:00 am - 2:00 pm

Hosted on ZOOM

FEE: $30 per person

Email Ani to register.

The registration deadline for a this class is 24 hours before the event.


Credit card payments are through PayPal. Invoices will be sent prior to date of service.

Want to take this class but the date is not compatible?
Why not form your own group and set your own date and time?
Contact Ani to see how easy and affordable this very popular option is!

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