Ani Avedissian

ani symbol

Energy Healer, Spiritual Teacher, Paranormal Activity Specialist

Remote Sessions

Ani does not have to be physically present to treat you or clear your property. She offers remote sessions for Energy Healing, Spiritual Counseling, Home and Property Clearing as well as her private study programs.

Remote Energy Healing and Spiritual Counseling

For those unable to come to her office, you may schedule a telephone, Skype, Zoom or Facebook video session. You will be asked to send or email a current photograph. The procedure and fee schedule for a telephone session is the same as for an office visit.

Remote Home and Property Clearing

Ani does not need to be physically present at a site to clear it. Each project is unique and will need an individual assessment. Generally, Ani will need you to provide either a photograph of the site, a detailed boundary map, or any other pertinent information.

Spiritual Mastery and Metaphysical Mentorship Programs

Both of these invididualized programs can be conducted via Skype, Zoom or Facebook video. The course notes will be emailed to participants as PDF documents.
